Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten in Poreč

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein Poreč zu entdecken! Ein umfangreiches Angebot erwartet auf Sie. Hier sind einige Hinweise:

Strände und Sonne

Die Strände in Poreč sind mit der „Blauen Flagge” ausgezeichnet, eine internationale Auszeichnung für die Wasserqualität und Reinheit der Meere. Kleine Strandgeschäfte, Restaurants, Bars, Sportaktivitäten, Unterhaltung (Spielplätze, Mini-Golf, Fahrradverleih) werden Ihren Tag am Strand angenehmer machen. Wir empfehlen folgende Strände in der Nähe der Pension Biba: Stadtstrand (Poreč), Strand Pical (Pical, 1 km nördlich von Poreč), Strand Brulo (Plava Laguna Resort), Strand Bellevue (Plava Laguna Resort, „Istarska hiža” Restaurant), Strand Molindrio & Wasserskilift (Zelena Laguna Resort), Strand Hotel Parentium (Zelena Laguna Resort), Strand Lotosi (Zelena Laguna Resort), Strand Hotel Delfin (Zelena Laguna Resort).

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Christmas magic in Poreč

Christmas is almost here, the most important holiday and time of spiritual celebration. I was always interested in learning how Christmas is celebrated around the World. Sharing story about Christmas tradition and magic in my family and in Poreč is a great gift. It’s a perfect time to read about how we experience the joy of the season.

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It’s all about communication (useful Croatian words)

I remember that moment when my dad told me “Communication is the basis of all relationships. You have to speak the language of our guesthouse guests!“. I was 8 years old and thrilled at this possibility!

I learned German at school, later Italian and English language too. But I wanted to learn more and to practice my language skills and so I started pen palling. I found my pen pal friends in the magazine and newspaper advertisements 25 years ago. Today you can simply join a website (Interpals, Penpalworld,…), create a profile and find someone to write to.

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Food delights – Grilled marinated calamari

Istria offers a variety of excellent seafood, has its own style of cuisine and is a tasty gastronomic journey.

Grilled marinated calamari is definitely the food you have to try.

Here’s a receipt for my No.1 dish – Grilled marinated calamari a la Chef Biba (my mother) is a delight!

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